
What is Health & Wellness Coaching? 

Health and Wellness Coaches partner with clients seeking self-directed, lasting changes, aligned with their values, which promote health and wellness and, thereby, enhance well-being. In the course of their work health and wellness coaches display unconditional positive regard for their clients and a belief in their capacity for change, and honoring that each client is an expert on his or her life, while ensuring that all interactions are respectful and non-judgmental.

What type of things can coaching help? 

Getting "Unstuck"

Are you stuck in a rut with your routines, habits, health, or happiness?  Coaching can help you get out of that rut and make a plan to achieve your goals.  For example, do you -

  • Want to exercise, but it never happens?

  • Want to lose weight, but it never happens?

  • Want an new job, but not sure of direction?

  • Want a lifestyle change, but not sure how to proceed?

Navigating Life Transitions

Life is full of transitions. Coaching can help you get through these times smoothly: Retirement, Blending families, Moving, Birth of child, Newly empty nest, Retirement from military, Job change, and Divorce process and the resulting life adjustments.

Achieving Overall Optimal Health Goals

What would you answer if you were asked, “How would you like your life to be in five years?” What would you answer if you were were asked, “How will your life be in five years without making changes?”

The difference between the two outcomes can be dramatic. You can achieve that optimal vision of your life through Integrative Health Coaching and designing a PLAN for your future health and life.


Individual sessions 

  • These are available in-person or over the phone. We recommend our six session program (3 month) to make lasting changes in your life. Sessions can be set-up weekly, biweekly, or monthly to fit your busy schedule.

  • I also offer single issue sessions where you meet with me once to be coached to prepare for a single occasion such as a big life event, whether it is positive or negative.

Group sessions are also available and offer a more economical way to be coached in some instances. These sessions can be offered at work, at home, in the office, or in meeting situations and are usually theme oriented such as weight loss, divorce recovery, or retirement adjustment. These sessions can also focus on individual issues and be a vehicle to show support and offer accountability.

Groups must participate in a minimum of six sessions and have a minimum of four members.

Please contact me for help designing your group.

Interested in Coaching?